like the tides of my life

Sorry for the wait. 300 words, and not on purpose. :o

Since moving into the mansion, Princess had taken to exploring its many corridors, resisting the urge to peek into the many rooms she passed in case she would get in trouble for snooping. Even now, feeling as strange as she did, Princess couldn't help but look around a little before returning to her room. That morning, she had left in the same silence she had spent the past two weeks or so. She supposed it was disbelief, but with absolutely no regrets about that night. She had left Haven feeling very light-headed, a little confused about what had happened, but she had enjoyed that night, and it wasn't something she wished had not happened. Leaving had been the right thing to do, though, since she did not know how her Knight would have been when they woke up. Did he regret it?

When she reached the door to her room, Princess leaned a hand against it, listening to the sounds within. Evidently, someone was in there, ans for a moment, the girl was taken aback with anger. She hadn't been going into anyone else's room, so why was someone in her room!? Well, whoever it was that was in her room was going to get it, and badly. Pushing her door open with as much force as she could muster, Princess stared at her brother and the bottle he was holding. That was. . . Very bad. Ares wasn't supposed to find that bottle! "What are. . . What are you doing in my room?" she asked, feigning a cool repose. Maybe if she did not freak out about the bottle in his hands, then he would realize that alcohol wasn't such a bad thing. It was good, actually, but she had been afraid that it would not be accepted in the pack lands.


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