ashes against the grain
The work that he did all day was work that kept him away from the den, only stopping into the pack for dropping off kills, or to sleep. He could eat while working, making sure that pack had food first then finding him-self something nice to eat also. Lucifer tried to make his responds not so harsh, he didn't want to scare off a member of the pack one that could bring a lot to the pack, not just only his spunk but things that he could learn, or pick up, or heck even knew because of his mother or father.

"I hunt, I make sure that every one has more then enough to eat." it was an all day job, and he hoped that Deuce would buy it for the reason why he hadn't been around, not since the start of the time as one in this pack had he been in this for more then a day, heck even in illness he would go out and try to hunt and track the animals. Any thing to keep him out and away from Deuce he was willing to do, heck that was part of the reason why he was standing there now.

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