you are my sweetest downfall
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Sorry about the wait, I just got back from a short vacation. <3

Kansas was not generally lusty, either, although right now was an exception. He felt like they'd let too much time go by without this, and he was indeed hungrier for her than he'd ever been before, if that were possible. Perhaps it was the emotions that had flown about in the past few weeks, building up inside him, and this was how he'd release all that pent-up angst. He growled with satisfaction as she let him take her over completely, entrusting her body to him. Her every movement and sound seemed perfectly timed, and it made him wild.

Now assured that she liked where this was going, he decided to continue with the surprise he had in mind. Something special, just for her. Kansas grinned through closed teeth, moving his tender, fluttering kisses still lower, down past her waist. His lips hovered between her legs for a moment as he looked up at her with a sultry expression. He felt the warmth from her body, her intoxicating scent, and he leaned into her. His tongue flickered across her flesh, tasting her. He kissed her there once and then his tongue resumed its quick movements on the moist skin. He was not surprised by how good she tasted.


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