midnight clearance
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dress he picks

I have lost the will to change

Looking over the clothes the black and white husky let the bag sit on the ground, these clothes were nice though some more the others. Tiliting his head slightly Leroy let his eyes drift over them, it might have been dark but his red eyes could see the colors of the clothes. Blinking, his ears shifted as the sounds of Ayita entering behind him made him twitch, his large patterned body didn’t jump as her warm scent filled the air around him. Smiling to himself his red eyes moved to the cornered under his lashes, as if he could see her without turning. Letting her arms wrap around him Leroy chuckled lightly, ”Nothing much, looking at some clothes thought I might get a jacket or a shirt.”

Turning around his curly tail swayed behind his dark form, his deep smooth voice filling the air while his bright eyes looked at Ayita before the blanket. The way she looked so proud of herself or maybe it was because she was simpliy happy, either way it made Leroy grin as he reached to feel the blacket. ”That’s a pretty blanket, so a cute woman like you is out at night looking for blankets? How strange.” Mocking lightly Leroy stepped forward to give her a light kiss. Looking back at the clothes his black and white form moved back towards a row, pulling off a suit jacket the husky slipped it on with a playful manner. ”Maybe somthing like this. See I look very..hmm scary.”


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