it's like forgetting the words
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End this one soon? ^=^

        With all her strength, Amata held the jar tightly so that Cambi could turn the lid. She trusted that Cambi would be able to turn, so Amata closed her eyes tightly as she concentrated on her part of the task. There was a satisfying sound as the lid hit the floor. The blue and green eyes opened as they beheld the prone lid. "Yay!" Amata yelled happily. She leaned her little muzzle to the ground so that the stubborn lid could see and hear here. "Yay, yay, yay!" She exclaimed triumphantly. As chocolately Cambi began placing Leafy and the bright flower into the jar, Amata began stomping about in a circumscribing circle, chanting, "Yay, yay, yay, yay! The Lid iss openinged and leafy gettinged a homes! Yay, yay, yay, yay!"as she went.

        When the flower was set in Leafy’s new home, the noisy chanting was stopped. As Cambi asked the green buggy about his home, the creamy pup leaned in to see what Leafy would say. Leafy was very quiet, but the movements that he made (and they were very cute) were unmistakable to both pups. Amata barked happily for her sister, bouncing up and down as she crashed affectionately into pretty Cambi’s shoulder. "I’s tolded you!" she exclaimed. "You’s chosed goodly!" Happy licks were planted all over Cambi’s shoulder and face. She knew that Cambi would take good care of little Leafy. Then, together, they could see the green cat-pill become a butterfly like magic. Mamma and Dadda could see too! Everyone could see how good Cambi was, and Cambi would be happy. She was already much happier than she was already, and that made little Amata very happy.

        "Nows we cans asks Mamma and Dadda what cat-pills eat," Amata continued, stepping back from her lick-attack. That was all that they had left, and then everything would be perfect!


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