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The sand-hued lady beamed. The hot spring sounded like a simply delightful idea; though right now anything sounded good to her. She stood up and shook a few leaves off her pelt and dark waves went flying everywhere. "Well, tell you what," she started, "Why don't we go to the hot spring first, then we can go on a walk to the beach while we dry off?" She really did want to get to know her new friend better; it was something that was mandatory if the friendship was going to stay floating.

Asariel wondered how their friendship would be. Would it last for a long time, or just for a short while? Would one betray the other or would they go down in flames? She hated to think of Ty betraying her or vice versa, but anything is possible, after all. Personally, she didn't believe Ty was capable of betraying somebody.

But, anything is possible...


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