sail me on a silver sun
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ooc: Sorry for the long delay. I finally got some sort of reply out though. Now we can archive this and I can get my clean slate going for Rath. Thanks for your patience Sace ^_^

The tall male nodded thoughtfully as Hemming encouraged him to pay a visit to the lands of Aniwaya. They did sound quite pleasant. However, for a social recluse like Rath, such excursions from the Dahlia de Mai lands were rare. Perhps he would make an exception one of these days. "The way you talk about your home it sounds like you love it a lot," he acknowledged, his tenor voice quiet, but admiring. Being loyal to one's pack was always an admirable trait.

The ruddy hued luperci was surprised to hear that Hemming had only known Dagrun for about two weeks. That seemed like such a short time for the bird to become familiar with him. As he thought this, however, Rath quickly remembered that Dagrun wasn't just a bird. If she was Hemming's spirit guide then they must have shared some sort of bond from the beginning which only grew stronger the more time they spent together. That made the relationship between Dagrun and Hemming far more understandable to the analytical mind of the carpenter. His white ears perked in surprise as a clap of thunder echoed directly above them. The shaggy brute turned once again to look upon the Aniwayan, smiling in an almost nervous manner,"As much as I think you and I could talk for many more hours, it seems nature has decided to intervene. Those clouds are starting to throw lightning, and I don't know about you Hemming, but I think it would be unwise to linger in the rain," he chuckled. "Thank you for the conversation and the information about spirit guides. It'll give me something to think about for awhile. I hope we'll run into each other again sometime, but until then...Farewell," With that Rath was already walking up the hill away from Colibri's house and his construction site, his strong right arm raised in a parting wave. He did hope to see Hemming again one day, and he hated to leave so suddenly. But if there was one thing Rath wouldn't do, it was standing outside in a thunderstorm.


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