he can, just by living, damage me beyond repair
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... hell_t.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Sorry, this is crappy :< 300+

The silence and tension in the air was incredibly uncomfortable, and yet the Commander didn't dare break it. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. She could feel it deep down in her gut. It made her shift her weight from foot to foot nervously. The darkness and weight of this situation was hanging over her and she knew that it was about to come crashing down on top of her. The build-up was unbearable. Savina watched Urma intently, unable to hide the concern and distress from her eyes. She had never been good at hiding her true feelings, and this was no different. Maybe that was a bad quality for a leader, but it wasn't something she could change. If it ended up becoming a burden to the pack then she would step down. She wasn't sure how that would come to be, but she knew better than to dismiss its possibility.

Finally, when Urma looked at her and began to speak, her ears strained forward. The tone of that voice made her heart want to break, and the words that were issued were shocking. The leader of Inferni had known about Pilot? "What?" Savina said, incredulous. The leader had known and done nothing? Did he want to start a war? A white hot anger rose up in her chest and her eyes blazed. Had she known this earlier she would have gone and demanded an audience with their leader instead of barreling after Hybrid. She had figured that the other members of the clan, especially the high-ranking ones, had been ignorant of the situation (however far-fetched that belief had been). Now, learning otherwise, she was infuriated. This pathetic excuse for a leader had stood by and let such an injustice happen? It was incomprehensible and the obsidian femme wanted justice.

Though the final sentence Urma had spoke, at first unheard by her ears, was perhaps the most shocking of all. She...didn't blame him? A puzzled look overtook the one of outrage, though her anger still bubbled under the surface. "Why..?" Perhaps it was unfair of her to ask, or not her place, but the question came out before she could even think about keeping it inside. It was all too confusing and Savina could make no sense of it at all.


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