Decisions, decisions

And dad let me online, though for an undetermined set of time. Of course. I'm gonna post pictures of Gali in my profile thing, in case my description is lacking.
Word Count: 324. Worth 2 points.

A voice behind her startled Hanna, so focused was she on the mare, but only momentarily, for she somewhat recognized the scent that accompanied it. She turned, tearing her gaze from the horse she had picked out, and bowed to the Kalona, her body making a thirty-five degree angle from the waist in recognition of his leadership. "Yes, Sir, I have been. I've been putting some serious thought into the profession I want to take. It's not been an easy decision."

She stepped toward the foal for which Dawali was holding the opposite end of the rope, extending her hand, palm up, to let the little creature smell her. She murmured to it, again in Low Speech, sweet little sayings. She hoped to calm the little one's fears, so it wouldn't cause a problem. "Hello, little darling. Do not be frightened of me. I mean you no harm."

Her words sounded like a croon, much as one would speak to a very young child, an infant. After a moment, more, Hanna turned again to look at the beautiful painted mare. Her coat was predominantly brown down her back and stomach, though there was a strap, so to speak, of white fur on her belly just behind her front legs. Her face was almost completely white, but for a sliver around her right eye that was chocolate. Ivory patches were otherwise randomly splashed over her body, but it created a beautiful effect, not a haphazard one.

"Dawali... who owns that horse there? The brown one with all the white on her face, I mean. She's beautiful." Trying to avoid seeming disrespectful, she edged toward the mare again, stretching her arm out as she had done with the foal. The mare tossed her head, spiritedly, and Hanna stopped. She wanted to win the trust of the Beautiful One, not scare her. Perhaps Dawali would enlighten her with some tips on handling the large but gentle beasts.


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