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I spoke to you in cautious tones,
you answered me with no pretense.
And still I feel I've said too much,
my silence is my self-defense.

The green-eyed woman mouthed the woman's name quietly. It had a lyrical quality to it. In fact, the woman's name reminded her of the names of angels she had read in an old human book called the Bible. She had not remembered very much from that book, but she knew that she did not enjoy very much of it. She knew a little about the concept of angels, beings that supposedly watched over the living and provided protection. Although she did not know Asariel, she liked to think that her pack mate might possess some of this qualities.

Geneva responded, her voice whisper soft, as it usually was, and although the tone was lighter than air, there was an edge of warmth to it. "I'm glad to have met you," she said instantly. She did not know a single important thing about this woman, aside from the fact that she was part of this pack. She did not know how long the woman had resided here in the Valley, but it was obvious by her body language that she was very relaxed and at ease here, and that this Valley was her home. The sub-leader wanted to meet every single one of her pack mates, as the pack was a system that could only work with team work.

Geneva was curious by nature. Curiosity usually was her primary motivator, followed closely by duty. She was genuinely interested in this woman, and she wanted to know her story. But at the same time, Geneva was very much an introvert. She wasn't so much shy and unsure of herself anymore, but she did not like to pry or make others uncomfortable. With a small apologetic smile, she continued to speak with the woman. "I do not mean to bother you, but would you mind telling me a bit about yourself? I would really love to get to know you."


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