walk right in the sight of the gun



His eyes screamed of poisonous darkness, but behind the pools glowing with his distaste, there was amusement. Haku loved what he did. He loved how easily she set her course towards certain doom. He did not mind, just wanted to take her further until the point of no return was reached. He would get out of her way soon enough, but not before; ”Of course, but first you need to be taught a little lesson.” his calm voice cheerily announced. His eyes suddenly twinkled almost pleasantly, because this was only for her own good. Surely she had to be able to appreciate that. If she did not want to see reason, then he would simply open her eyes further so that she would be able to see so much clearer. Haku was marred, fresh cuts still healing, but this woman was much smaller, and unlike the one eyed woman she would not be given time to change into a stronger form.

Teeth suddenly flashed again, but now they reached out for her, darting after the woman’s throat. His body too, now moved forwards, unstoppable like a heavy tank against a defenceless human. He would teach her how troublesome subordinates were to be handled.


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