the devil's water, it ain't so sweet

Me too! It's so purrfict<3 Sace = win. Sorry for this utterly crappy post :/ (migraine and boredom = terrible attention span)
Word Count: 382

........Perhaps she'd missed the fact that DaVinci had left Phoenix Valley, but at least she'd known something. You could say many things about Mew Sadira, but she knew the names of her bloodline. She took great pride in it, too, even if she didn't know any of them. This DaVinci person, she didn't know who he was or what he had done in his life, but seeing as Geneva made a face that could resemble disappointment, she assumed he had to have had some impact on his surroundings. Most Sadira's did. Little did Mew know that her half-brother, Jefferson, was also of her bloodline. There were some family secrets that had escaped her searching spotlight, particularly secrets about her own mother. Then again, she never could decide on whether she liked her mother or not, never having known her, so it was all the same to her.

........ Geneva mentioned another name, Ty, but she did not recognize it. Her knowledge was far from updated when it came to young ones (and boy would she be surprised if she ever found out how many nieces and nephews she had), and since she hadn't traveled.. well anywhere, in the past half year, she knew little. She'd known little about the young in the first place, and it was needless to say she was surprised at these news. She'd not known DaVinci had a mate. But then, a third name crossed the other femme's lips, and this one Mew knew - wholly thanks to her cousin Firefly. Kansas was her brother, and uncle to Emwe and Conor. Though, it was news to her that he had children. How lively the Sadira line was, sprouting children in every direction. She could only hope she would be allowed to contribute one day.

........Ah, I've heard of Kansas. My brother's children with Firefly - he's their uncle, though I don't believe they've met him. He's fortunate to be blessed with a litter. Out of curiosity - who is the litter's mother?

........ The smile she carried was genuine, although she could not help but feel a little sting in her heart. She'd give anything to get a second chance, but she doubted the opportunity would ever come.

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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