Inside her knitted sanctuary

OOC: Haha, badmouthing your own ex-characters! xD ::Word Count:: 300+

The pale femme listened to her white friend talk about Dierdre, experiencing a pang of fear clawing at her heart. Dierdre was alive? The fair Crimson Dreamer's ears pressed to her head, her entire figure almost sagging under the crushing weight of this piece of information. While she could not possibly wish another wolf's death, neither could she claim to feel incredibly happy at the thought that Dierdre was not in fact dead. A million fears bloomed in her mind, and she felt her entire head spin with their burden. She closed her eyes, feeling the swelling tears concealed by her eyelids, trying as hard as she could to push them back. Finally, she opened her eyes with great care, as if afraid that anything sudden might break the precarious balance she had managed to find. Her voice was hoarse as she spoke. "Well... there must be something in her that is good. Otherwise Pilot would have never loved her as much as he... did." She struggled to say the last word in past tense. Maybe he had stopped loving Dierdre, convinced that she was dead. Maybe, if he ever came back, and found out this, he would forget about Urma entirely. That thought alone doomed her to despair, so she hastily discarded it, knowing, however, that it would haunt her later on.

She sighed as her pale friend continued, trying to make sense of everything that had been said, while also finding the comfort and truth in her companion's advice. It was strange that all it had taken was for her to come back for everything to seem as if it were toppling right down. Indeed, she did not have so much time so as to be able to wait-- but neither did she feel like there was anything else to live for except Pilot. She hadn't known anyone like him, nor did she think she would again. She had returned in the hopes of finding him well, not of forgetting all about him. "Indeed they don't. But... there could be no one for me, if not him. At least not now." Really... not ever.


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