til this hour has gone around
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/temp/masontable.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
A sunlit day seemed wonderful to the sandy-coated boy. The Inferni youth had spent much of his time on Hades' Beach. He was still trying to perfect the art of fishing. He had yet to be successful, but he knew that this was a skill he wanted to hone. But before he could refine the skill, he had to have a lot of practice. Mason was a determined boy, and if it was physically possible, he would have spent all twenty four hours of the day trying until he experienced some success.

"Fishings" were elusive creatures, to say the least. With his limited skill set and knowledge of the damnable creatures, the most he could do was snap at the shimmering waters and come up with a mouthful of ghastly tasting salt water. Even so, the yellow-eyed boy was double and triple is efforts, if need be. He wanted to surprise Kaena Lykoi and bring her an entire barrage of the sea creatures. He had never actually seen what one looked like while it was alive, but he could guess.

Hezekiah had given him alternate ways of stalking the creatures, and he would continue to try his way. But for now, he would try the tried and true method. If not, maybe the boy could find a sand crab to bring back to Inferni. The boy walked across the old highway and onto the sand before he stopped and saw a white lady there. He scrutinized her warily, not approaching her. "Are you looking for fishings?" the boy asked begrudgingly. She was an adult and probably better at getting food, and so she would probably want use of the entire beach. It only made sense.


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