Take it
i love that movie, and ebil bunnies. <3

        Samael was no longer a broken monster—shredded, shattered wings flapping uselessly against the ground. Kaena had returned, and this invoked a strange calm within the beast not felt since he’d been a young boy held close within her arms. There was no reason any longer to mutilate himself incessantly, wishing to tear his mortal heart from it’s cage within his chest to ease his suffering. But there would never be a day when the Prince of Fear was a loving, compassionate creature toward those outside his bloodline—those lesser animals that belonged in the ground. His mother demanded his utmost affection, and the occasional being within the Lykoi family could garner his admiration, but outside of that held only apathy and disgust. Little Halo had attracted his interest, and Samael had found her worthy of his notice.

        She took the scalpel from his hand and held it with absolute intrigue and adoration, taking in the delicate lines of the thin, deadly instrument once used solely to save lives. He smiled at her—a teacher pleased with the progress of his favorite pupil as she spoke a single word in summary of his tool. “You may keep that one for yourself, but only if you promise to use it well,” the Prince stated, admiring the deadly look within the child’s eyes. He had more than one, and though he was loathe to part with any of his precious pets, Samael would allow this girl to have one. He knew it would serve a beautiful purpose within her hands, parting the delicate flesh of captured wolves and aiding in the destruction of those undeserving of this world. Worthless, useless beings that deserved nothing more than death itself. To eradicate the lesser species in all their arrogance and self-worth that meant nothing to the coyote, he would find pleasure in Lykoi coyotes alone ruling the land.


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