So why don't you sing to me

ooc:Yay for HeathXRuri ^_^


The race was over. The victor had been declared, and the lautari of Cour des Miracles was joyful for her recently troubled friend, the knight of the pack. However, he was not the one she sought out after the race. No, the one she sought out lived very nearby, and had not stopped to say hello to her either before or after the race even though she knew he had been there. Her sensitive nose had detected his scent the moment she had entered the racetrack and her sensitive ears had tuned to his voice speaking with Haven, although what had been said she did not know. With the excitement and confusion of the race Ruri had lost track of the one she sought and, now that the crowds had dispersed, the slender optime was carefully maneuvering through the stable grounds.

Her half-folded, border collie ears twitched at a familiar sound. A wind chime was being blown by the breeze, sending its ringing tones across the compound to her sensitive ears. The tones were slightly different from those of her own windchime, a gift from the sweet coy-wolf she now searched for. He must have hung one hear in his own home so that she would be able to find him. Of course, the blind girl did not know that for certain, but it was hard not to jump to such a conclusion when considering the relationship that had developed between the two luperci.

With her delicate hands held outward, sweeping slowly in front of her, Ruri continued to make her way towards the sound. She didn't know anything about the area she was in, and she didn't want to run into anything. Her hands and feet would help her feel around. Fortunately she hadn't run into anything at all so far. A shrill call of a horse came from inside what seemed to be a large building of some sort. Running her delicate hands along with wooden wall, the petite femme quickly found the door only to be greeted by the sound of Heath's voice scolding the horse who had just issued the loud whinny. At least, that was what it sounded like Heath was doing. He spoke in the same language Jac often broke into. She only understood a few words and could not discern any of the few that she knew in Heath's sentences. However, his tone of voice was one of reprimand from which she was able to draw her conclusion. "Did it do something wrong?" she questioned, her head cocked to the side inquisitively as her pale blue opts stared in the direction of Heath's voice. Her pupil-less orbs were of course very far from the target, making it appear as though she was staring into the stables and not at any particular individual. "I...I had to come find you. You didn't come talk with me after the race, so I figured I'd wait and find you after everybody else was gone," her soprano voice stuttered timidly. Even though she knew how he felt about her and how she felt about him, it was still somewhat unnerving for her to admit that she had readily sought him out. The things she felt for him were so foreign still, that they constantly made her second-guess her actions. Would he appreciate her gesture? Did he just want to be alone? Had she interrupted something important? She certainly hoped she hadn't done anything wrong. That would ruin the moment.


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