The Magical Forest
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Amata’s face took on a look of blank happiness as the blue and green eyes looked out at the pretty flowers. There were a lot of flowers and a lot of colours and a lot of smells. A silly smile moved across her little muzzle, and she realized suddenly that she was bouncing too; No-war’s happy movement had caused Amata to unknowingly respond. When the girl realized that she was bouncing up and down, the blank look fell away so that the bright and beaming expression was worn once more. A cheerful giggle bubbled its way out. Her tail waved behind her and her ears bounced with each bounce. How fun it was that No-war played with her, because No-war was much bigger than Amata was. That made No-war even best-er. A Bester-er-est friend.

But when No-war became serious, Amata grew serious too and stopped when No-war stopped. The blue and green eyes grew wide as the tan girl began her explanation, and her brows furrowed and her ears flattened too. She nodded. "Closes I’s eyes," she repeated slowly, and she closed her eyes tightly so that she would not accidentally upone them and have to start over or miss becoming a butterfly. The little girl gave a slight nod. "And thens.... And thens think a lot a lot hard on bes butterflies!" And so she did. The creamy pup imagined that she would be a pretty little yellow butterfly, the ones that were yellow like the buttercup flowers and that flew very happily—has happily as all the butterflies. They were small butterflies, and, even though they were small like Amata, they could still do all the things that the big butterflies do. Her mind happily thought of that before she began to picture a big white moth—No! Quickly, the girl re-directed her thoughts to the pretty little yellow butterfly.

"Opens I’s eyes—woahs!" Standing in the darkness of closed eyes and thoughts was very hard, and the little girl fell over, her eyes popping open (and it was a good thing, she thought, that it was open-eyes time). There was a very surprised look upon the girl’s face as she lay there on her side, her mouth hanging open in a small ‘o’. "I’s iss a Amata butterfly!" The exclamation came in a voice quiet with awe. The girl got up quickly, afraid that she had sat on one of her wings, but, thankfully, it seemed that such a thing had not happened. She breathed heavily with her relief. And she was delighted that she was a pretty little yellow butterfly! Happily, she flew and pranced over to some flowers, floating beside No-war Butterfly. The little girl sniffed the flowers noisily, shoving her little black nose into their colourful faces. They smelled very good and pretty and yummy. The flowers that the pretty little yellow butterfly sniffed, however, fell apart from her curious antics, their bright petals drifting to the earth. But they went unnoticed by the delighted butterfly wolf, and she continued on.

For a moment, she stared up at a very tall flower—a flower that was taller than her. How could she get up there? "Oh yeahs!" she exclaimed. Butterflies can fly! So she leapt up, and her little black nose found the flower that was forced to lean down to the earth as the heavy pretty little yellow butterfly landed. Amata smiled brightly down at the flower beneath her butterfly paws before the blue and green eyes turned to the No-war butterfly. "Hows cans I’s drinks it?"


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