dance your legs down to your knees
Word count: 376

His joke was successful, and a wide grin spread on the boy's face as he watched his amused uncle laugh. Great! Emwe liked it when he could make people around him smile and be happy, it was as if he rubbed off some of his own good mood onto others. It felt really good, too, to laugh with someone. Conor used to be really really sad when they were not as old as now, but he had become happier too and they laughed together sometimes. Uncle Kansas would probably like to meet Conor too, and they could laugh at him in the mud because it was strange to be in the mud, but probably really nice. If he said it was nice then Emwe would believe him. Uncle Kansas seemed like he might like to do that with them, because he was so nice. When people were nice, it was because they liked you, and uncle Kansas seemed to like him since he was nice. Logic didn't fail.

His tail wagged along the ground, moving small rocks and leaves and whatever was in its path. The line of thoughts that went through the young male's mind was interrupted when uncle Kansas spoke again, but his words encouraged another one. Exciting? He was very exciting! Very good! Just think of it! A few moments ago I had two uncles, and now I have three! If that wasn't exciting, Emwe didn't know what was. His face changed when the newfound family member spilled out names - names Emwe did not know. The boy had grown up with his brother and their caretaker as company, meeting only very few other people. Catalyst was the only puppy he'd met that was roughly his own age, and he'd barely ventured outside the Dahlian borders. His face was wrinkled as he struggled to recognise the names, but no link could be found where it did not exist. Finally, he gave in and looked at the adult, face disappointed and apologetic at once. I don't know them. Pausing, he thought of something nice, setting his tail off again. But you're very nice and since you're their dad then they're probably very nice too! A very clever boy, Emwe was. Nothing got past him.


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