New days, new faces

Word Count: 504

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

Dawali simply nodded politely as she stated that he could address her by her first name. There was no need to comment on it, especially not as he had already stated that he was commonly known as 'Dawali'. Along with the nod came a small smile, a gesture not as much of politeness as of goodwill - after all he did want to make a good impression on this clan. If they truly were as dangerous and vicious as everyone claimed they were, then he would just work twice as hard to get on their good side. AniWaya had been betrayed by neighbors before, and he wanted to know he could trust them. He certainly did not care what his other allegiances thought of it. Keep your friends close, and our enemies closer. He had no intention of making an enemy of Inferni, but if they proved to become one, he wanted to know what they were and what he faced. Still, his approach to Kaena was no lie, and his intentions were pure.

She spoke honestly and somewhat hesitantly - at least at first - but from his own position he could do nothing but understand. After all, why was he here, and why was he so keen on establishing contact with his neighbors? He had learned, and he knew that hesitation she felt. Unfamiliar with their ranking system, his mien turned apologetic as he responded to that, although judging by the way she spoke about it he reckoned it was fairly high up in the system. I will admit I'm unfamiliar with that rank you name, but any effort made is highly appreciated. Pausing, he considered being bolder, now, seeing as her mind seemed to be tuned in his favor right now. I can understand caution, Kaena, only all too well. My old rank consisted of dealing with burial ceremonies, and let's just say I had a lot more work than I wanted - before we moved here. It is not something I want to see again, and that is why I am dedicated to ensuring peace for my people, in all directions. Perhaps she could see his point. Given their history, he would assume they had suffered losses through the years.

Gvihita did not stir on his shoulder, and he took it as a sign that things were going well. So unfamiliar was he with direct hostility, chances were he would not recognize it immediately if it was in front of him. Gvihita, on the other hand, with her endless wisdom and experience, knew better. As long as she was calm, he had nothing to worry about. To Kaena's request, he nodded with a smile before asking her to elaborate. Sure - what did you have in mind? If her intention was to invite him to their packlands, then this mission's success was as good as secured, at least in his eyes. Certainly, for a clan whose reputation was mostly hostility, it could only be seen as an act of trust.


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