Paint the Seconds
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here she comes to save the day grant Mati her co-rank! XD 300+

Savina had spent a lazy day inside the mansion, one of her first in a very long time (at least it seemed like a long time). Sure, she had spent plenty of time watching over Cambria as she had been recovering, but that had hardly been "lazy". Every moment worry had wracked her heart and soul as she watched her stricken child and prayed to the gods to make her better. Few things in this world were worse than having to see your child unwell and knowing there was so little you could do to make it better for them. It made the Commander feel so much better than things were returning to normal and the atmosphere around the pack was more relaxed. She had needed a day like this after all that had happened. It was lucky she had been gifted with it.

Deciding to stretch her legs a little bit she walked out of the door and down the hall towards the stairs. Despite how large the pack was there were still so many rooms unoccupied. Why had the humans built such a large house with so many rooms, she wondered. From what she knew, they did not live like wolves did, in packs. They lived with their direct relatives, but usually only the parents and children. So why was it they had needed so much space? Oh well, she supposed it didn't really matter. She and her pack and family were now the beneficiaries of the structure so there was no need to complain.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs she heard two familiar voices. One belonged to her daughter and one belonged to Mati, who was practically a niece to her. Smiling Savina moved to the room where they were. Their backs were turned to her, but she saw that both of them had something in front of them. Perhaps Mati was teaching Amata something? "What is it that you two are so focused on?" her voice questioned warmly, tail swaying behind her.


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