Inside her knitted sanctuary

OOC: I wonder what Dierdre has to say about Naniko, on that same note xD ::Word Count:: 300+

Yes. In that Naniko was right. Things did tend to improve after all hope was lost. After all, she had slipped into an outright rut after Mörker's death, one that she had no conviction she would ever get out of. Back then, she had chosen distance as the most favourable course of action to take. In the end, even after the horrible experience on the ship, in which she never thought she would make it out alive at all, it had all turned out for the best, with her meeting Pilot in the Dampwoods. However, those raw memories still etched deep wounds into her soul and heart. No matter the outcome, she clearly remembered the horrible passing of the nights aboard the ship, constantly trying to avoid anymore pain, hiding herself away from her tormentor and, in the last days, her hidden resolution that death would be a becoming fate that would at least bring her closer to Mörker.

She realized, however, that such thoughts could only trouble her more. Indeed, she had managed to spot the silver lining on the cloud after Mörker, but it wasn't an absolute guarantee that that would be the case with Pilot as well. She did not want to so readily put him aside, maybe as a consequence of the fact that his absence had no complete explanation, nothing certain, like Mörker's death had had. She needed to at least know for sure what was going on before she could decide whether it would be wise to simply assume she knew all the details behind his disappearance and following decision to stay away from the pack. The pale femme appreciated Naniko's decision to change the subject and answered gratefully, "They're okay, from what I could see. I haven't been especially social just yet." She frowned a bit. "I haven't had the chance to meet your children. Why haven't they come to see you?" Her expression betrayed shock. "They can't be that mad at you too, can they?"


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