If I have to sin to see you again
Heyyo! Thanks for starting this. Just a head's up: I'm going on vacation from February 20-26th! So if we can get the bulk of our replies in now, that would be good! Big Grin[html]

indent The boy knew that she would be on her way over today – it was just some sort of feeling he had, an inclination. Without causing too much of a scene, the dark brown pup slipped away from the combined pack den and out towards the borders. He knew where she would be waiting for him – he always knew.

indent The two maybe weren’t the most predictable pair (and he still wasn’t sure what his father would think), but he had found a side to Rachias that tugged at his heart strings. If they had to sneak about to see each other like this, than he would do it. Anything to hear her comforting words.

indent Just then, the young hybrid’s voice called out his name. A grin crossed his lips and he headed off in that direction – by the borders, as suspected. With adrenaline running through his veins, it didn’t take long for the Phoenix child to find what he was looking for just out of Storm’s reach. "Good morning", he piped up, voice sweet and charming as a child’s would be expected, as he hopped to her side and gave her a warming flash of his teeth.


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