teach them all how they can dance
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He stopped completely now, and stared deep into the darkness that pooled before them. The boy had half expected there to be monsters or treasure or something really exciting down there, and after the little bit of exploring they hadn't found a single thing besides dirt and darkness. A little sigh escaped his mouth and he sat down, turning to look, rather blindly, at his sister. Without the little noise they had been making as their paws hit the ground it seemed strangely quiet once more. There wasn't any hint that there was anything interesting up ahead, either, and Gotham's short attention span was starting to fizzle out.

Cambria seemed to be okay with heading back out and doing something else. The boy didn't want to drag her away from anything she was really enjoying, but that didn't seem to be a problem at this point. He did, however, feel guilty for having convinced her to continue and then only a few minutes later decided to stop their exploration. At least Cambria had learned that there was nothing to be afraid of! Maybe they could come back sometime and look some more, because now it wouldn't be so scary. The place had quickly lost its interest, though, and at least at the moment Gotham didn't care too much for a return visit.

Thumping his tail a little bit and pressing his tongue against his sister's cheek, he said, "Yeah." After a couple seconds of more staring into the darkness, he added, "But only if ya den wanna keep goin'." Of course, his interests were not the only important ones, and perhaps in the short time between being petrified and Gotham's decision to stop the girl had developed a lust for exploring the dark tunnels. She didn't seem to be having an immense amount of fun, though, and the boy figured that she was probably as bored as he was.


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