the only thing doing is nothing at all

He peered through a shelf to get a peek at what she was talking about, seeing the rather disgusting form that the ancient candy had taken. Widening his eyes a little he nodded at her warning. Why had she opened those, anyway? The were completely surrounded by clear plastic, so it was possible to see what was in there... But the male had to sympathize, because curiosity more often than not got the best of him, too. He had learned from Ember's little mishap, and so he wouldn't be doing it himself. She had, in a way, protected him from further embarrassment, granted that he didn't give that a try as well.

When she asked what it was, he flipped the bar so that the front face of the wrapper was towards her. With a grin, he replied, "It just says 'Chocolate'. But there's a cute cow, see?" The smell was making him a little giddy, and he giggled a little at their situation. They were in a little room that seemed as if it might all melt in just a second, and the two wolves would be caught up in a vortex of colorful sugar. At least it would be a happy death!

james rocks :o

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