through the roses & the thorns

Thought this might be a good place to do a fade out. [: Feel free to reply again or to close here, whichever works best for you ^^

#$%@Four months? What had he been doing around that time? Anselm had relatively few memories prior to his one-half year mark--ah, the joys of repressed memories. He could vaguely recall a few fleeting mental images from his younger childhood: the rough layout of his birth den, the face of the first puppy he'd killed and the silence of the forest around them... that was about it. Perhaps Savina had a much better memory than he did--maybe her mind hadn't had holes riddled throughout it by the the acidic burn of trauma or the blurry haze of drugs. His head tipped lightly in question, though he soon thought better of it. Sometimes it was best to leave his mildly distorted perceptions of reality (and normalcy) where they stood, for at this point to correct the beams he'd have to rebuild the entire foundation. That took a lot of work, energy, and stress, and Anselm thought he had to deal with enough of that just by existing.

#$%@She spoke of a vacation, and he couldn't help but laugh lightly to himself. "Perhaps nothing extravagant, no; yet there are always little things you can do in the meanwhile," he offered. Maybe that was what had initially driven her former leader to use--a vacation of the mind was sometimes just as rejuvenating as a vacation of the body. As she obviously disapproved of this particular solution, they'd have to find another. Her mate ruled sex out, but he wouldn't let her overlook something simple and refreshing--something that made the old feel young again and the young full of life: play. He rose suddenly to his feet, lightly, then dropped down into a bow with a soft woof, his tail waving above him playfully. His forelimbs brushed along the soft grass for only a moment before he danced forward, lightly bumping into her and tagging her with his nose. Now he pivoted and bolted off into the surrounding forest, ears back and tongue lolling, just into the neutral lands that surrounded Crimson Dreams.

#$%@It was an invitation to race, to wrestle, to holler and shout, to be belligerent, to release; it was an invitation to escape, if only for an hour or so before they were both forced to get back to their lives.

table by Amber <3

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