Decisions, decisions

Here we go!
Word Count: 219. Worth 0 points.

Hanna nodded as he dismissed her formality, asking that she call him by name instead of by title. If he didn't require it, she supposed she'd refrain from it. After all, she'd called Cercelee by her given name. Then again, they'd met prior to her ascent to Rosea, when she, Hanna, Mew, Colibri, and Slay had been merely bandying about the possibility of forming a pack.

She completely missed the way the foal had calmed, so intent was she on the mare. But she whirled around when Dawali told her that the horse was open to whomever wanted to train her, startling the paint and causing her to toss her head again. "Oh, Dawali! Do you think someone would help me train her? Oh, but first she needs a name. Something that suits her." Her expressions ran the gamut, seeing excitement, wonder, curiosity, wonder, and deep thought all in the space of a few moments. She was like a pup, as excited as though she was getting a present. And perhaps, in a way, she was.

Then she recalled that she had mentioned having made a decision, one she needed to inform Dawali of. "By the way, I'd like to become..." She paused to get the pronunciation right, "Guh.. Gata Hineyu." She went still, awaiting Dawali's approval or disapproval.


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