the fragile kingdom fall.
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    The hybrid woman did not know what to make of this wolf. She was not afraid of him, but certainly, she had reason to be wary. The scars on his face told stories of war and violence, just as certainly as her own did. Even so, if she were not already injured, this would hardly have bothered her. Kaena did not often give pause to think things through; she was a reactionary, volatile creature. In her age, she had grown more logical, but that did not make her immune to the emotions she had been governed by the first nine years of her life, not by a long shot. She could barely contain the snarl that writhed across her features as he pressed at Zulifer's memory, but she said nothing, fearing her voice would devolve into a meaningless growl.

    The coyote did not so much as flinch as he crept forward, close enough to reach out and touch. Her face had frozen, that wrinkled half-snarl still showing across her features, though her sable ears swept forward to listen to his purring voice. His words and the sound of his voice were almost soothing, something like a compliment flowing from his mouth. The coyote sized him up again, her single golden eye flowing over his body and noting his strength and size. She could not engage him and hope to win beyond blind luck. She knew that, and though every fiber of her being itched for her to raise her paw and smack him across the face, claws splayed open to add a few more marks to his pretty face, she could not.

    The silver coyote did not think she would encounter violence from his end; he seemed more simply curious than anything else. She could deal with that, so long as she derailed his train of thought. Speaking of Zulifer was still painful; in truth, his saga had not ended until only recently for the coyote, the night she'd finally defeated Salvaged Eternity and tore his heart out. She could still recall the hard muscular tissue between her teeth, blood oozing from its center as she ground her jaws down on it. "He would never have hurt me," she said crossly, knowing it to be the truth. As much of a monster as he'd been, Zulifer had never uttered a cruel word to the hybrid canine. Perhaps it was his death which had kept him so immortal and perfect in their mind; they had not had the time to deteriorate as all relationships eventually seemed to.

    Kaena could only shake her head, thinking back to the wolf who'd taken her eye. He hadn't been much of a wolf, at that—maybe an alpha somewhere, but that had never mattered to Kaena, not after she'd abandoned the wolf life. "I was young once, too," the coyote stated, rather simply—she had not always had the experience, the memories, the pain. It had come from somewhere. Once, she had been young and reckless, and stupid, too. "I've been one-eyed most of my long life," she said, defending the old wound. She had not had the pleasure of using both of her eyes for more than a year of her life.

Table thanks to Erin!

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