Loneliness is history

Jasper may not have been the strongest or even the bravest, but he always tried hard to be thoughtful and to make sure that Dierdre was happy. Though the young male didn't think of it that way, he was the type that could easily be walked all over and he would always just push it off to being something to keep someone else happy. Luckily for him, Dierdre didn't seem to be the type of person to do that and thus Jasper had not yet faced a situation like that. Nervous, one hand lifted to scratch idly at his ear as she approached, smiling an awkward smile. "I missed you too." He returned, his voice quiet, slightly hesitant as he leaned forward to nuzzle gently at the side of her face. Jasper was often oblivious to signs and 'hints' that were dropped, which made knowing whether or not she wanted him to touch her or to even come see her increasingly frustrating.

"I brought you something." He said then, not wasting a moment before he dropped the handle of the wagon and turned around. Carefully, he bunched up the wide assortment of flowers, which wasn't much since it was winter, though they were beautiful anyways, and stood back up straight. He turned then, holding them out to her, smiling that same nervous smile. Sure, flowers weren't the most sensible gift to give during the winter, but that had been the whole point, hadn't it? Who else would take the time to locate flowers in the winter just to pick them and give them as a gift?


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