ignorance is your new best friend
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
s'ok! 300+

Despite being on the loosing side of this battle, Savina couldn't help but enjoy herself. She loved being able to just be goofy with her brother. It was like making up for the time they had lost when he had left to go on his journey. An unbid stab of pain hit her at the thought, though there was no outward sign of this. Him leaving their birth pack had been one of the most difficult things she had ever had to cope with. For a while she had debated going with him, but the thought of leaving their mother behind had been too much. She couldn't have let her lose two of her children instead of just one. Thinking back, one of the reasons she had been so scared was that somewhere deep inside she had known that he wouldn't come back. Not that he wouldn't mean to, just that it wouldn't happen. Thankfully she was no longer there either, and things had all worked out for the better.

The sable fey was running out of breath by the time the assault finally ceased and she gulped in air. "Sì...mi arrendo!" There was no use in denying it, he had defeated her. Sitting back up and wiping the tears from her eyes a few more laughs left her as she gave a sidelong glance to her brother. "Un fratello così crudele che ho," she said with pouting lips, mocking sadness. Savina sat for a few more moments with that upset expression then it disappeared without a trace, a beaming smile in its place. The slender femme repositioned herself so that she leaned against his shoulder, her hands idly undoing the tangles in her wavy locks. "Lei è stato assente molto ultimamente sembra. Lei non prende meglio il prurito per errare di nuovo." Her voice was still light and joking, but there was a serious note to the last sentence. While she trusted his word that he would not leave her again when he was away from home so often it made her worry.


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