can you see a shadow on me
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Whew! They're getting long. O_O WC: 1500+

Her English wasn't good, and Ghita knew that all too well. Her language could be... like an unfinished painting; the outlines are there, albeit faint, but the colors are only just starting to seep in. When the Italian fae grew nervous, she drew to calm herself down - it had happened during her wait to re-join Crimson Dreams and would happen many more times over. Looking at but not really seeing the sandy drawing, her turquoise eyes wavered unblinkingly on the sand. "S-Yes, Y-es it did." Catching herself swiftly, Italian gave way to English, and the transition had truly begun.

English was coming more naturally to her now - perhaps it was just her constant use of the new language, or the fact that if she didn't know it she wouldn't know anything in this pack, but in any case, Ghita was getting better. At the level a schoolchild was at after a year or two of study in just a few weeks, she had thrown her timber-coloured body so forcefully into the tide, with a desire to learn it stronger than her need to join the pack. After all, it wasn't anything tying her down - if anything, it'd help her along in this new country. And a new country meant more places to explore & wander.

She chuckled, nodding at Ehno's opinion of Amata. Silently adding her own hope that she wouldn't end up in trouble like her Aunt, Ghita laid the topic to rest, making a note to watch out for her in the future. Young and naive quickly gave way to trouble, as had been proven by Cambria all too tragically.

The fae couldn't help feeling an uncomfortable prickle just underneath her fur. Something was plaguing Ehno more than she could know, and although his sister wasn't one to over-coddle or mother, she still felt as if she should be doing something to help Ehno out. "Sometimes, close is very far away." The psychologic quote sprang from her lips perhaps born of innocence - not fully knowing what she was saying. In her own experience, lurking close by after her former mate had started to move on had increased the distance, putting them at greater odds and perhaps sending him out to look for a new mate.

Smiles held almost no trust in them anymore, and Ehno's was no exception here. It wasn't even a full smile, looking almost as if he was too tired to give her a full turn of the lips, and yet trying to steer her off the path. Feeling helpless, she flicked her studded ears, the metal glinting a faint rose in the rising sun. She was aware of how she looked to her packmates. One of the only few to possess any decorations other than tattoos, young pups were curious as to 'why she had metal all over her face.' However, it wasn't something she really had time to care about - if she was a pup, she'd be asking the same things.

She was relieved for the most part when her brother drew her back into Italian. But there was also that question as to why Italian was needed in this sense. Was the situation more complicated than she knew? Subtly shifting her weight onto her hindpaws slightly, she moved back and forth in this odd form of sitting, leaning no more than a few centimetres in one direction before shifting into the other completely. Her ears flicked again as the information flooded in, her face remaining neutral until all the information had been spilled. Savina has told me what an outsider would know, someone not even in the pack. She thought, slightly bitterly, but completely understanding her sister's reasons.

Rolling the old commander's name around her tongue, she snatched at a way to pronounce it before letting the information sink in. Setting her mouth grimly, she nodded, encouraging him forward as part of her mind whispered in her ears. Cambria isn't the only one in this family with those kinds of experiences. The grim news she had not told anyone, and had no plans to. Savina wasn't about to tell her everything from day one that she left - why should Ghita confess her sins? She murmured, knowing that the worst was yet to come.

And so it did. The words that came from Ehno seemed almost unreal, and where eyebrows would have been made a nosedive to..., well, the nose the best they could. Something that should have been from another family, another pack, another time. Not within their family. Probably a little less curious now... She couldn't help wondering what exactly it was that Cambria had encountered. Her knowledge was slim in this area, but more than most wolves. "Noi conosciamo che cosa è stato di droga?"

So Gotham came up, a brown shadow protecting his sister from further inquisitions. Nodding, she couldn't help smiling a little - at least she remembered her nephew and nieces' colorings. "Eyes like my color. The best." She joked solemnly, waiting a little before making a movement with her head. "Is what we call 'joke' - scherzo. Funny?" Poor, poor Ghita. Sarcasm and humor would have to wait for a lighter, enlightened time.

Her brother's words comforted her, but didn't reassure her. She still couldn't completely believe in what he said, especially after the pack was just beginning to treat her normally. She had run out on her family too much for reconciliation, or was walking on that line like the crazy daredevil she was. "Mi piace pensare che è vero, ma io non lo so. Amata è stato abbastanza felice di vedere me, almeno." What her nieces and nephew thought of her meant more to Ghita than even she had realized, frightening her that little bit more.

There was a small moment in that she noticed the differing size of their paws. Ghita had always been a little smaller than Ehno, naturally, but around the same height as Savina. She always thought that the three of them were close in size, but it seemed that she would be proven wrong. There was a centimeter's border that spoke the difference, and she looked down at it, almost sadly for a while, before she began to react to her brother again. Meeting her brother's familiar gaze, she held it fast with her blue pools, unspoken emotions telling the world that they were both walking a fine line in this moment. His wincing surprised her, narrowing her eyes and ducking her head slightly, unknowingly looking like a mother questioning a mischievous child.

This next revelation surprised her so much, so that the pressure on her paw lifted, but the limb remained. "Naniko? The old Commander?" Greatly shocked, she slipped into English, unconsciously using the language as a medium to hide her emotion. She noticed his eyes move to hers, and hers did not blink until a long time after, gnawing gently at a piercing as she tried to make sense of the situation. To her, it made little sense; Naniko had left the drugs that had greatly scarred Cambria where any pup could have reached it. That wasn't terrible in itself - the wolfess wasn't waving it in front of the pups, tricking them into inhaling whole bags or stuffing it into prey, but the fact that she didn't take responsibility was possibly the worst part...

At least Ghita apologized and returned to Crimson Dreams, trying to make up for what she had done. She knew that Naniko, since she hadn't met the fae, had left before she arrived. Then again, if it was Ghita in that position, it was hard to think of what she would've done. She finally moved her paw off of his, sitting down and still trying to chew this over. "L'amore sta cercando di vite voi, Ehno." It was an abstract phrase, one that was leaning into the pool of disapproval farther than she had meant to. Her tone remained light, trying to make a small joke out of the situation, but there was a part of her, a nagging part that just wouldn't stop, that told her that it easily could've been her. She couldn't think of if she would've done anything differently than Naniko did.

A few weeks at least. "Probabilmente dovremmo spendere quelle settimane cercando di sanare la frattura tra i due. Essere madre, Savina probabilmente non potrebbe diventare un membro della sua vecchia cuccioli cuscinetto pack." At least, that was what she was hoping. Naniko had hurt Savina's daughter; the wounds would run long and deep.

She had held off judgement, purposely, until this point. On the less serious things, she was headstrong and rash, leaping off of barns without a second thought. But on the more serious matters, her serious side came out and proved that there was intelligence hidden behind her eyes. "Se amate, suppongo io non sono uno di giudicare. Tu sei mio fratello - io sono dietro di voi. Ma la nostra sorella, potrebbe essere necessario un certo tempo a venire intorno. Sarebbe meglio per tutti noi, Amata, Cambria, Gotham inclusa, se fossimo rimasti in Dreams Crimson." There was the issue of Naniko and Cambria together, however. "We'll have to figure Cambria e Naniko out, if they both in Crimson.

A terrifying thought struck her now, fast and sudden as lightning, leaving the same devastating effects. Her voice grew faster, the accent weighing down even more as she conveyed her point. "Ehno. Has Naniko done droga-drugs, while carrying them?" She wanted to shake him, make sure he understood her point. The fae ravaged by miscarriage knew the fears, the dangers of carrying pups. If Naniko had been doing drugs while carrying her pups, there was a chance they wouldn't survive.


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