The Songs that Voices Never Share
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The man was glad to hear that the wound was only aggravated after she changed forms. If he had not been able to administer to her properly he didn't know if he would have been able to forgive himself. Like her, one of his fears was to become crippled. If he could not fight, then he could not fulfill his purpose in life. He did have more to live for now, thanks to her, but he did not know if he could live the life of a handicapped even then. What good was he if he could not protect her or their children? He would not want to be such a burden. Thankfully what he had been able to do for her had been enough. "Good. I am glad." It was an incredibly deep wound and he doubted that occasional discomfort would ever go away. Just as the occasional pains in his neck and shoulder would never be completely gone. Absentmindedly his hand brushed against that mutilated piece of flesh, remembering the night he had received that mortal wound. Though that night held good as well, for that had been the night they had discovered their feelings for one another.

Ah, yes, she was probably right. Pups were often curious about anything and everything. Though those mismatched eyes stared at him with such an intensity, it was very un-child like. It seemed to him that with most pups, especially of such a young age, their attention was quickly diverted from one thing to another. But right now his children looked at him as if nothing else existed. Onus was used to people staring at him for his odd appearance, but this stare was different than those. Those stares were filled with judgment. The looks of his children were decidedly lacking in that. There was only curiousity, and a kind of developing affection. It was still hard to believe that they were his. The evidence was clear, and yet still he had a hard time fully accepting the fact. How could he have helped to create something so extraordinary? To the man it seemed impossible. It seemed that they were everything he was not able to be. Though he was glad for them. He would not wish his flaws and shortcomings upon them.

The fear of them coming to harm because of him was very real. Men like him were not meant to have children. They were not meant to have anything really. Anyone they were attached to were put in danger simply for it. Though the only one he knew that would have a wish to harm him in such a way was held back because Cwmfen and now the pups were a part of his pack. While that held the brute now, the coyote knew better than to trust that delicate protection to stay in place forever. Onus knew that eventually Haku would try and harm one of them, in some way or another. Whether this even would be soon or far away he could not say, he was only certain that at some point it would happen. He hadn't noticed her movement, so consumed in his thoughts, and when her fingers brushed against his jaw he looked into her eyes. He didn't know if he believed her words completely, but she said them with such conviction that he found it hard to repute. "Still," he said. "I will do everything I can to keep them safe." He would do everything possible to keep them out of danger.

The male's gaze roamed over those two small bodies again. Could they really understand? Would they be able to cope with the fact that their parents but themselves in harm's way constantly? While he wished that they would not have to ask that of them, he knew that they must. Neither he nor Cwmfen could give up the way they lived. It was as much a part of them as anything else was. "Hopefully we will not be taken from them for a long while." There could never be any certainty in that, but he did hope for it. Not for his own sake, but for their's. From what he knew, losing a parent at a young age was a very traumatic event. He hoped that they would be adults before any such loss came to them.


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