A flight of fancy on a windswept field

Okay, time for a quick reply. Then I'll be.. *gasp* caught up! Lol, they should totally decide to try to fix the plane up, after finding books in Halifax.
Word Count: 373. Worth 2 points.

Though Hanna knew the meaning behind the word that was Vigilante's name, she was unaware that he'd been named that because it was to be his profession. When she'd joked, it had been completely innocent, and her comment about his name being a strong one meant only that. She began to understand perhaps a glimmer of the truth when he replied, his tones hushed, but even then she chalked it up to some misunderstanding. Once the noise had stopped, Hanna looked over at the brown furred man.

"I never meant to imply.. I mean... You're right, of course, fun and excitement are good. I..." She trailed off, feeling she'd blundered somehow, but not sure just how she'd done so nor how to fix it. But his inquiry -- and the origin of the screech -- took priority now. She could see he was nervous; she was too, to a point. "I'm not sure exactly what it was. It came from somewhere outside the machine when I moved this bar. So it must be that this lever --" she moved it a little, eliciting slightly less sound, "-- controls something outside this area we're in."

She slid from the cockpit and began to look the plane over for anything different from when she'd entered. Sure enough, there was a flap somewhere between three and four feet in length that, instead of being flush with the rest of the left wing, was hinged from the rest and pointing downwards. At the same place on the opposite side, the flap was hinged and pointing upwards.

While Hanna was a little nervous at first about the sound, her anxiety was replaced fairly rapidly by curiosity. She had a healthy amount of respect for the odd things the humans hand left behind, but she also wanted to know how the things worked, so that perhaps they would serve her, as they'd served the humans so many years ago. "I think I found what made the sound, Vigilante. Could you move that stick again, pull it towards you?" If the same thing happened, at least to some degree, they would know that the control stick had moved the ailerons, whether they knew the names of the components or not.


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