Here I am
Yeah, she'd be able to see it. Word Count: 392



Her aunt emerged in the distance, a blurred image of a dark form on top of a horse. Mew had seen horses before, but hadn't known her aunt knew how to ride one. Then again, her aunt knew all sorts of things. Surprises never ceased to come from that end of her family tree. As the image of Hanna grew larger, Mew expected words to come from her, but none came. The dark femme's form swung down from upon the horse, and soon she was right by her, embracing her. The tears that laid as pearls on her face now traveled from her own light fur to Hanna's dark shoulder as she pressed her face towards it, returning the gesture. Now, the trickle flowed freely, and one small sob escaped her throat at the kindness she was given. Not moving, Mew stayed in the position, enjoying the warmth of a friendly body and the scents of a friend.


Moments passed and finally Mew pulled herself from the embrace, needing to clear her mind. She did not enjoy crying, and she hated it when others saw her cry. But, her need was great, and even if she hadn't cried now she surely would have when explaining the situation to her aunt. Rapidly moving her head she attempted to shake the tears from her face - sincerely, she missed having hands. Smiling, embarrassed, to her aunt, her emerald eyes rested on the ground for some moments before her voice was found again and she could speak. Her voice was quiet and her smile was wry as she spoke. "So, I guess it's obvious what I'm here for, auntie."


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