I Saw the Future Whirling Around


The wind was not in her favor, but the scent of him filtered to her nose as they stood in the dark. A step closer and she caught his face in the moon’s light. It was her brother for sure, and yet relief did not come over her until he spoke. Mati felt darkness come over her as she closed her eyes. She hated the sound of his voice, hated the things that it told her. She didn’t want to be angry, not the way she was at most of her family. They were a pair, and she could not find another that she held more dear. Haven had always been the one that was most important in her life and the moment she had begun to replace him with another she found that she needed him more. The pain Ares had instilled in her stung more sharply then Haven’s actions had, but there was a common factor that each hurt shared. Mati didn’t understand them. She pushed Ares aside, the confusion and the feelings that so greatly contrasted with each other. The anger and then the other warmer feeling…

She didn’t know what to say, but she approach him. He looked ragged in the dark, and his eyes sunken and tired in the shadow of the moon’s glow. He had first left her, left her to be the one to deal with their mother’s addictions, to live with the memories of the family that had once been. He left to go and live a life that was seemingly full of sex and alcohol. Was he having fun? She thought as the anger spiked at the thought of him sleeping with a female he hardly knew. Was that what he had been taught? Was that the way life was supposed to be, Ares seemed to think so too. Mati didn’t understand, couldn't comprehend why he did not come to her instead of hurting himself while he tried to recover.

He wasn’t proud, never had been about his endeavors. But the thing that she hated most, the thing that scared her was the thought of loosing him. She wasn’t able to understand him, or the actions that led to the confrontation on the outskirts of Crimson Dreams. And she feared that it was just one more step away from her. She felt an arm cross her stomach, and a hand uneasily pull at the fur of her other wrist. She felt the scars that blemished her skin; rough strait lines that Mati could never forget existed there. I.. she stumbled, not knowing what to say to him. can’t loose you. Not like she was loosing everyone else.



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