sing happy things
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Sure :]

That was a good thing to know! Now Gotham knew that if someone was humming or singing they were probably having fun. But what if they weren't humming or singing? Did that mean they were bored? The boy didn't think so, because sometimes he had fun without humming. He would have to keep that in mind, because he didn't want to feel sad because he assumed that someone was bored with him just because they weren't humming. He smiled and nodded at Jazper's statement, committing it to memory. Maybe if he wanted to convince someone he was happy he could just start humming!

This singing thing was rather fun, but Gotham could tell that he wasn't as good as the older wolf was. He was very relieved to get words of encouragement, though, and made plans to practice a bit! Maybe Jazper could even help him some more, and one day he might just sound as good as he did. With a wide grin, he replied, "Ken ya teach me, Jazper?" He stared with wide eyes and thumped his tail on the ground a few times. Maybe when he shifted he could learn to play the guitar, too! That would be so much fun. Jazper was very cool, and the fact that he had a sword made him super cool. Maybe Gotham could have a sword, too.

Requiem made this ♥

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