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Little posts are no problem at all! Big Grin


AniWaya was, perhaps, a little confusing. It wasn't just the traditions and the ceremonies that were different than in most other packs, it was also the way of life. Hunts were performed in a tribal manner, Dawali in the lead with his bow and arrow and many of the members also carrying traditional weapons. For his first hunt Hemming had gone on four legs and herded the group of wapiti towards those with weapons, because he did not yet know how an AniWaya hunt worked but the instinct to chase prey in the Lupus form was natural. Perhaps next time he would be in the party that ambushed the wapiti rather than those that corralled them.

The silvery male caught a bit of bemusement on the other's face, but it seemed to fade a little. He imagined that it was the mention of Spirit Guides, as the idea had caused an immense amount of bewilderment for Hemming, too. The Spirit Guides were still largely a mystery to him, one that was gradually fading. He supposed he would never know everything about them, but the amount of knowledge he had now compared to before he had met Dagrun made him feel satisfied. He would learn more and more as life went on.

Hemming turned his head to her when she indicated that she had a question, and when she asked it he looked up to the sky, squinting a bit. It was interesting that most everyone in AniWaya chose to be in their two-legged form. Hemming found it the most versatile and, for some reason, the most comfortable. With a soft smile, he replied, "No, it's not a rule, but much of what we do every day requires that we have our hands available. I guess most of us just get used to being in this form, and so stay in it most of the time. I hadn't really thought about that before."

kat made this! Big Grin

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