and some say, the essence of a soul's...

Word Count: 355

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

He nodded as she confirmed his suspicions. The female in front of him was worried and troubled, and not without reason, either. She seemed to be unfamiliar with the symptoms of pregnancy. If she hadn't been pregnant, these symptoms could point towards more lethal things, and illnesses of a sort that one normally prayed to avoid. But, she was merely carrying a litter. He thought merely because of the nature of pregnancy - a sign of good health and a strong body. Weaker individuals were often infertile, and Dawali was glad that Catherine was not one of them. He was also pleased at the prospect of more puppies, especially now that Auréle had taken her litter and left them. He hoped that when Catherine had she would stay among them, because their tribe was a good place for children - he'd ensured that himself. Still, just because he thought this was a good thing didn't mean she did.

His face was serious as he got up to get something from the back of his den, and his voice remained its calm as he answered her question.

"I do believe I know what's happening to you. But, just to be certain..." The last sentence was spoken almost as if to himself as his eyes searched through the contents of a container. Pausing, he saw what he was looking for and bent down to get it. Now, he returned to the seat by the table, showing her a little piece of cloth, and when opened: wheat and barley seeds. "These are seeds, and what I'm going to tell you is going to sound strange. I want you to go home, and urinate on them. If they shoot in a few days, then... I believe you are carrying a litter, Catherine."

He was prepared for a negative reaction - he had received them before. But he could offer no consolation; he did not know her story and he doubted she would share her story with him now. He could merely be honest with her, and if there was anything she needed, he would bring it to her.


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