Won't you (get on your knees) have faith

ohnoo... anu isnt shifted and cant read >< lol

Maybe she wasn't looking hard enough to find the unsaid answers. Not all could communicate the way she was used to. Could there had been a time when their was no language? Maybe before the time of the Luperci, and before the destruction of the humans. They they spoke through their bodies and through the primal sounds and scents. She did not understand him, or know what kept him from speaking to her. Anu stepped back, and searched for the answers.

He was a loner, seemingly stranded in a place unfamiliar. His stance was neutral and excited, and non threatening. When he eagerly approached her Anu was taken aback and yet she felt no fear. She looked at the thing around his neck, a small pendant that held something that might just give her the answer to the numerous questions that she had. But the blue eyes fey could only look at him. The leaders stood her ground, her tail high to tell him her space was something that she demanded. Looking at his face, the oddity that it was Anu spoke. "Are you lost?" She questioned, speaking slowly so that he could understand. "This is Crimson Dreams, I'm Anu." She explained, still looking at his face and wondering what it was that made communication so hard.

By Akumu

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