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Nah <3 300+

Cambria's smile grew and showed her white puppy teeth. She was so happy that Leafy had waved at Noir! Cat-pill's weren't as easy to read as other creatures, but she felt like she could read him from the way he moved and the wiggling of his many little legs. In her mind he was polite and proper, everything a good gentleman should be. For he was going to be a handsome and distinguished boy butterfly someday and of course that was the way he should behave. He was a very, very good cat-pill. Probably the best cat-pill ever. She knew that her sister had searched all over for him and she would not have brought a mean cat-pill. She even doubted that cat-pills had the ability to be mean.

The Marino girl watched contentedly as Noir conversed with Leafy. It did not seem at all strange to her, for she too talked to Leafy every day. He was not a pet to her and the pup probably wouldn't have even understood the concept of a "pet". She hadn't thought of herself as a mommy exactly, but she was his caretaker, just like Mati took care of her and her brother and sister. Cambria squealed as the approval that she had so been hoping for came and her body vibrated from the happiness flooding her system. It was all she could do to not attack Noir with kisses right then and there. "Thank yous!!" She was surprised to hear that her older friend didn't know when he would turn into a butterfly. She had thought she would. It didn't matter too much though. "I dunnos, I thought you mights. I've hads him for a while, so hopefully soons? An' I dunno what he will look like, though I'm sure he will be vewy handsomes. He will be a boy butterfwies, after alls." The pup nodded her head, yes, that was how it would be.

Some of her excitement drained when she heard that Baby Duck was not as good as she had expected him to be. A sad frown came to her face. Oh, that was no good! No, no good at all. Poor Baby Duck! "Oh noes...does your pack haves a medikal persons? Maybe they will knows how to helps?" Crimson Dreams did not, or she would have offered them to help. They had, but their healer had been bad and mean and not so good. Cambi was surprised at the words that came next and the happiness overtook her again. "Reallies?!" she exclaimed. The kiss attack she had held back before could not be held back anymore and she rushed at Noir, her little pink tongue licking her face.


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