teach them all how they can dance
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... table_.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Gotham was pleased that the girl didn't want to go any further, and the little giggle made his tail thump even harder against the ground. That must mean she wasn't scared anymore! Her suggestion excited him, too. She wasn't just not scared, she actually wanted to go explore other caves! The boy thought that this was a very good idea, since they hadn't found treasure or monsters in this one. Grinning, he nodded and exclaimed, "Yeah! Les go to da other caves!" It was a little startling how much his high pitched voice echoed within the little space, but kind of cool, as well.

The tunnel was rather narrow, so the boy would have had a bit of difficulty squeezing past his sister. Anyway, she wasn't scared anymore, and he wanted her to be brave too! So, lifting his head a little in a yip (but not far enough to hit his head on the rocky ceiling!), he cried, "Come on, Cammi, I'm a-followin' ya! Yew ken pick a cave now, 'cos I picked this un." Gotham hadn't been too lucky with his choice; perhaps Cambria would pick a better one.

Requiem made this ♥

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