The Wind Upon My Neck


The boy’s sudden change of mood was not understood by the warrior. She could see it, for it was held visibly within the boys posture, within his hands, within his face and eyes. The white orbs observed him quietly, the intensity with which they were accustom to holding shining as the moon does. Where once such intensity had been lessened for the Soul boy, now it remained unmasked. In the presence of the calmer boy, there seemed no need (although the need was subconscious) to lessen such a thing. A mild curiosity flickered within her eyes. It was a strange thing to the woad warrior to come merely to say ‘hello’. She was glad, then, that she had greeted him with that phrase. And yet, it did not seem to the black fae as if the boy were satisfied with the visit. It seemed almost as if the uneasiness within the boy grew. The warrior wondered if there was trouble, but there seemed no urgency within the boy.

When finally the boy’s voice continued, the woman understood a little more of the boy’s presence before her. A soft smile danced across her woad-bound maw. "I am doing well," the soft alto replied simply as the light Caledonian lilt danced upon the air like the golden leaves of autumn. When last she had seen the boy, there had been a shadow over her mind for it had been believed that it was her father’s seed planted within her. She knew now that such a thing were not so, and as they grew, the characteristics of their father’s appearance seemed to grow prominent over the initial dominance of the lupine genes. She knew that they were Onus’. Because the twins had been created in the throes of their love, the warrior could care for them with more than mere instinct. But the shadow continued to linger within her soul, and it bled like ink into her Dreams. It was as if the slain crow wolf had not truly been killed, as if his soul lingered upon the last thing that it had touched. And through rape, through each pinnacle of sinful passion, his soul had brushed against the brightness of her own, stealing the light away with the hunger of a spider’s fangs. And each morning...his touch upon her body lingered like the black hand of death, both exhilarating and sordid. But she kept it in the silent songs of night, in the sound of the Raven’s voice, for she knew that such a thing were meant to be kept in such a way.

"They are healthy," the soft song continued as she stepped aside to reveal them to him. The each pair of black and white orbs that each pup had taken from their parents watched the boy with their silence, commanding it now as both Cwmfen and Onus could. There was curiosity within their gaze, a strange innocence. While they were different genders, while they wore different shades, there was still the confusion that riddled the existence of all twins. The confusion lay in a deeper place, in souls both different and one. The woad-marked fae gave a curt gesture of a her maw that allowed the boy to come near. She turned and returned to the twins as they sat there, and she knelt and sat beside them. "They speak now," the soft alto explained when their silence ensued, "but their silence is greater." And yet, the warrior, it seemed, was satisfied by such a thing, almost pleased. And she was pleased, too, that her pups were strong—a mother’s pleasure, she supposed. The white orbs turned back to find the violet hues of the boy, a soft smile flickering like a light within them.


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