lengths of snakes match each silent syllable.
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Xeris had soon found that her habit of waking early became continual. She didn't know why. Her body's natural rhythm seemed to have just...changed spontaneously. And waking up early in the morning meant she had to find something or other with which to occupy herself at such a time, when others were asleep. So she had taken to wandering about the lands, much as she did when she first came to Phoenix Valley, and searching for new and interesting places that she might have passed by months ago.

The white wolfess had always tried her best to stay away from the graveyard. Somehow, even though they were dead and gone, it just felt wrong for her to be walking upon the bodies of others. It was as if she would be disturbing them. She certainly did not want to be walked upon. But after so many early mornings of exploring, she soon found that she was running out of places to go, and thus was forced to wander between the lonely tombstones on this particular morning.

Only a few times before had she stumbled upon another pack member who was awake at this time of the morning. But today, she spotted someone unfamiliar, sitting on the ground and reading. Xeris had never been taught to read. Her parents had condemned human values and preached adherence to the "natural" values of their own species. She often wondered what sorts of things humans had written about in their books, but never got the chance to find out. Setting this matter aside for the moment, she approached the unfamiliar one, being careful to step around the gravestones and places where she felt that one's body may have been residing, her white coat appearing almost appropriately ghostly against the dirt and stones. "Hello there," she spoke upon arriving a few feet from the stranger. "I haven't seen you around before."

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