teach them all how they can dance

They're so cute :3

Hearing his tail thump against the floor of the cave made her feel good. Maybe he was proud of her too! For not being scared anymore. That would be very good. She wanted her whole family to be proud of her, not just momma and dadda. Plus she didn't want to feel like a dead weight that her brother had to drag around. She wanted him to have fun when he was with her. Cambria wasn't brave and courageous like a boy, but she tried to feed on the braveness and courageousness of her brother so they could continue their exploration. She grinned widely when he agreed with her suggestion. "Okies!" Their voices really did sound loud in here, but to her it was more comforting than anything else.

Gotham suggesting that she should lead gave her the confidence boost she needed and her tail wagged from side to side. "Alrights! Dis way!" Of course, there wasn't any other way for them to go at the moment. Cambria turned around and quickly made her way back to the mouth of the cave. The ground and walls were still damp from where they had sat and shook themselves off. Sea foam eyes looked out into the still-falling rain, all thoughts of rain monsters forgotten for the moment. Hmmmm, where should they go next? Off to the right of the cave they were currently in was an even bigger one. If it were bigger it might have more in it! Knowing that Gotham would follow she darted into the rain and ran straight for the other cave. When she arrived she shook herself off again and looked for her brother.


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