If I have to sin to see you again

indent Icarus hadn’t really noticed the wind until Rachias had mentioned it. Now with it tumbling in his thoughts, the youth became fully aware of the fur that was being tousled by the breeze. He didn’t have any sort of set plans on what they could do together – and frankly, he didn’t care what they did. As long as they could spend time together, Icarus would be happy almost anywhere.

indent With a glance over his shoulder, Icarus nodded. "Yeah, let’s head away from here. I think mostly everyone is still sleeping, or didn’ notice. No one will think to look for us in the city, even if they do discover that we’ve vanished." He stepped away from Storm’s borders, hoping to lead the two off. In the city, perhaps they would find a cozy place where they could truly be alone. In that case, he could spend hours just staring into her stunning blue eyes. He hoped, in one way or another, she felt the same about his. "Did yah sleep alright?" He asked then, stealing a glance at those eyes.


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