Violent timing explains the aftermath
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WC: 300+

Jacquez acted flippant, and at most times was not capable of forming true attachments, but he did have a soft spot for what he considered strays. He liked when others looked up to him and relied on him, which was why he had not initially balked at the responsibilities of leadership. And Haven was one of the most valued followers in his kingdom, bright with youth and hope and idealism. The orange-furred coy-wolf certainly had his darker moments, and it seemed he took bad news harder than most, but... he was a good kid. Jac studied his slumped posture with his keen dark eyes, trying to calculate the words to pull his knight from where he had fallen.

"...That is true. You are not like me. You have kindness and mercy, and faith in the world. They are not traits unbecoming of you," he added in an offhanded compliment. He was no sort of role model, and he cherished the thought that he could not be emulated. Haven was Haven because he believed in chivalry, in knights and princesses, even when his world collapsed around him. "You still have your steed and your blade. You can find another princess to rescue."

He flashed a quick smile at the downcast hybrid, ruffling his mismatched ears as he did so often with Ruri, before standing up again. Jac could never stay in one place for very long, and left Haven for a moment to inspect the discarded axe. He had not handled one since Leroy had introduced him to the tool. He had never done much with weapons, being at a learning disadvantage with his amputation, but the sleek designs and shiny metal were attractive in their own right. Still, he lost interest quickly and glanced back at his young packmate, wondering how long this depression would last. It might be a long time, if he slipped into the bottle again.


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