lengths of snakes match each silent syllable.
Anya had woken up early, unable to figure out why. Thoughts were racing through her head as to why, but nothing came to a standstill. Her thoughts kept on wandering to Ty, wondering when she would see him again.

The graveyard was a common place for her to wander. It was peaceful, and one could always be sure that the neighbors would be quiet. So she was rather surprised when she heard voices floating up through the dawn's mists.

Her eyes perked, Anya proceeded forward, recognizing Xeris's voice. Anya had heard on the winds that the woman had mated with Pendzez. Anya was glad for her friend, and sad that she had missed duch an occasion. But now was the time to congratulate her friend, and meet someone new while she was at it.

Anya trotted carefully around the largest tombstone, coming upon the two conversing.

"Hey Xeris, long time no see. How are you?" Anya turned her attention to the other being. "Hi, I'm Anya. How are you?"

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