Searching for an Old Friend...
{{Okay. Away post is now forfeit.}}

Angel smiled as she saw the female approach her. Ember sure looked amazing since she had last seen her! It was wonderful to see such a face once more. "I do believe this information might help you. I believe you are the same Ember Phoenix that ran as Alpha Female for Shadowed Sun some time ago. A fire had broken out and wiped the lands clean of every memory of the happy territory and the seasons we lived in. You met me on the borders one cold autumn. I was slightly timid and young for I was no more than two back then. I had served you since then and to the year of the fire until I lost contact with Shadowed Sun. I will not be surprised if you do not remember. It has been so long ago and lots of things I am sure has happened for you and with you since that time until now." Angel spoke as she kept her smile on her lips. Her ice blue eyes seemed to glow in the dark though the moon was shining brightly on the both of them. Angel turned to show her the burn mark on her right shoulder she had obtained from that massive fire. "It was such a horrific fire as well. I do not remember what had started it, though I have a feeling it was lightning, but I was devastated with how much damage had been inflicted on those lands after the fire consumed what it wanted and died. I worry about the members that escaped for I am sure others that tried to failed indeed to grasp at the free air. However, it seems like you are now striving here well in Aniwaya, yes?"

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