If I have to sin to see you again

indent It was times like this that Icarus really enjoyed – just being able to talk about whatever came to mind, and having someone there who would listen and not judge. And when she did offer him advice, it was always delivered rather kind and never offensive. Having Rachias there for him, Icarus felt more secure, knowing he had someone outside of the family that would be there for him when he needed some support.

indent He listened to what she had said about her father, not really knowing much about the man, except from what he had heard from Rachias herself. He didn’t really think much about his sleeping arrangements until now, and realized that he had been spending less and less time with his family. It was no wonder they didn’t question him more often about where he had run off too – they mostly only caught glimpses of him around the morning and evening, except when he decided it would be best to stay home.

indent "Mom?" Icarus replied, letting his thoughts return to the present. "No, nothing." He frowned to himself, though he wasn’t the least bit upset that it had been brought up. In fact, Rachias was one of the only ones he really talked to about his mother. "I wish she and Firefly would come home – it’s weird without them around. I’m starting to feel as if I don’t have a mother anymore."


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