If I have to sin to see you again

indent Icarus beamed, looking to Rachias with the same warmth that he felt when he first laid eyes on her after what seemed like days of separation. Her ideas always seemed to strike inspiration into his young soul, and he loved the vitality it gave him. "Rachias, that’s a great idea! I’m sure they would like it too, once they got home. And even if they don’," he paused for a moment, not sure whether he wanted to acknowledge that they not might return, "even if they don’t come back, it will still be nice to have around."

indent He paused for a moment, letting the wind blow some of the rich brown fur into his mother’s blue eyes. He blinked, thinking of which way they were headed, then set off once more. "Hey, d’you think you might wanna make one too? I mean, I know your situation is different, but we could do them together. Maybe we can make a page about ourselves, so that we’ll always remember us like we are right now."


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