Won't you (get on your knees) have faith

Anu had never encountered another wolf with such a disability, for she was sure that he could not hear her at all. Never would she expect another to shift in her presence, it was a private thing for the female, and not something that took the effort she might extend for a blink of her eye. It could be painful if done on a whim and in haste. Anu would rather not feel such pain for a beast she did not know or understand.

But she looked with sorrow in her eyes for she had to tell him that she could not read his small note. "I don't, I'm sorry." She wore a frown at the thought. It had not been her intention to greet his beast and then not be able to help him at all. But still Anu wanted to understand him further. She wondered if he was looking for family in the 'Souls region, or if it was a place to stay that he sought. "Do you know someone here? Family?" She asked, sure that he could answer her with a nod, or shake of his head.

By Akumu

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